Programming, web development, administration
Welcome to my website.
The World Wide Web (WWW) has seen explosive growth in terms of users and services in recent years. The Arpanet, originally developed by the US Department of Defense in the 1960s, has grown into a global network of networks and is now available to a large number of users worldwide for commercial, scientific or private purposes.
The Internet already occupies an important position in the global exchange of communication and information and it is impossible to imagine our world without it. Huge amounts of information are available at any time and anywhere in the world and this will only increase in the future. Traditional communication media such as letters and telephones are being pushed into the background. E-mail, Internet telephony and video conferencing will become increasingly important.
In the commercial sector, the WWW with e-commerce is playing an increasingly important role.
The WWW enables countless companies to participate in global trade in goods and services. New information structures are being established, market potentials developed and distribution channels explored.
Nowadays, companies can hardly afford not to be present on the Internet. The prerequisite for this is a well thought-out and professionally realized Internet presence in all its components. I would like to help you achieve this with appealing and inviting solutions.
My name is Daniel Baradari, I live in Berlin and have been working as a programmer since 2000.
I became interested in computers and programming at an early age. This interest was triggered by music. I was not even 10 years old when I borrowed a music cassette from a library and had no idea what kind of music it was or who the artists were. It was just pure curiosity that made me pick up this cassette with the strange yellow cover and listen to it. I didn't know the name Kraftwerk back then, but I liked this peculiar music and it sparked my interest in technology and computers.
When the first video games appeared on the market and in the children's rooms, there was nothing more exciting for me than sitting with my friends for hours at these little beeping boxes and playing Spaceinvaders or Pacman. Many of my friends and I were simply "magically" attracted to these games consoles.
At the beginning of the 1980s, home computers began their triumphal march. A computer for the home was a sensation. And then it finally stood on my desk, my first "bread box", a Commodore 64. Most of my friends played with their home computers, but that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to create something myself, so I leafed through books and magazines and started typing up listings and modifying them according to my ideas.
When I finished school a few years later and graduated from the Oberstufenzentrum für Bürowirtschaft und Verwaltung, my interest in bits and bytes was still unbroken. In addition to BASIC, I got to know a new programming language, Pascal. I was also able to gain my first practical experience with a Unix system.
I decided to study business informatics at the University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics (FHTW, now HTW) and enrolled for the winter semester of 1998 with the expectation of learning more about computer science.
Business informatics is a degree program that combines business administration and computer science in one science. Malicious tongues claim that business informatics specialists are not real business economists or computer scientists. The fact is that business IT specialists are sought-after specialists in the IT world.
I studied now and was able to expand my knowledge. I paid particular attention to programming, which was limited to C and SQL in the first semesters. In parallel to my studies, I worked with scripting languages, mainly JavaScript and Perl. I also began to develop websites, which I primarily realized in HTML, DHTML and Flash.
In 2000, I got a job as a web developer and was able to put my programming skills into practice to realize various web projects in collaboration with other programmers and web designers. I also had the opportunity to learn new programming languages such as PHP and VBS. With the help of PHP, I was able to develop dynamic websites in a very comfortable way. The connection to a database with PHP also turned out to be very simple and effective compared to other scripting languages.
My wish for the future is to deepen my knowledge so that I can continue to use it creatively and productively.
Current professional activity
- Senior Frontend Developer - Employee
VGL Verlagsgesellschaft mbH - Web developer - Self-employed

Programming languages
- JavaScript / ECMAScript
- TypeScript
- C
- Pascal
Markup languages
Frameworks, Libraries
Here you can see a small selection of different projects that I have realized as part of my professional work as a web developer.

- Responsive One Page Webdesign
- Implementation with HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery and CSS
- Design von Maurice Baradari

- Responsive One Page Webdesign
- Implementation with HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery and CSS
- Design von Maurice Baradari

- basierend auf phpBB
- Modifications and enhancements with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
- Design by Maurice Baradari

- Implementation with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Responsive Webdesign
- Implementation with HTML5, jQuery, CSS and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Responsive Webdesign
- Implementation with HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap, CSS and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Responsive Webdesign
- Implementation with HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap, CSS and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Responsive Webdesign
- Implementation with HTML5, jQuery, CSS and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Implementation with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Implementation with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Implementation with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript und PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Implementation with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Implementation with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript
- Einsatz des SixCMS Content-Management-Systems

- Implementation with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
- Content-Management-System

- Implementation with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
- Content-Management-System
Do you have any requests, suggestions or questions?
Just get in touch with me! I will answer you as soon as possible.
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